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레이블이 Microsoft Dynamics AX인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'microsoft dynamics'|Very Urgent reQ. of Sr. Microsoft Dynamics AX Developer, Columbus, OH, 3 - 6 Months

About 'microsoft dynamics'|Very Urgent reQ. of Sr. Microsoft Dynamics AX Developer, Columbus, OH, 3 - 6 Months

               When               you               are               running               a               small               business,               it               is               important               to               your               bottom               line               to               keep               your               invoices               organized               and               up-to-date.

It               is               vital               to               ensure               that               all               invoices               are               being               sent               out               and               properly               processed.

This               is               hard               to               do               when               things               are               not               well-managed.

However,               there               are               some               tips               you               can               use               to               ensure               that               the               invoicing               end               of               your               business               runs               smoothly               and               efficiently.
               Include               Terms               of               Service
               When               you               are               sending               out               your               invoices,               you               want               to               make               sure               that               your               customers               know               exactly               what               is               expected               of               them.

They               should               know               what               they               are               paying               for               and               exactly               when               the               bill               is               due.

You               will               find               it               easier               to               keep               track               of               things               when               you               have               invoices               with               a               due               date               and               details               about               the               services               or               products               that               were               purchased.

You               should               also               make               note               of               any               penalty               fees               or               late               fees               if               these               are               applicable.
               Decide               on               a               Software
               Software               that               can               help               to               organize               your               invoicing               will               make               your               life               a               lot               easier.

Software               programs               like               the               TARGIT               BI               Accelerator               can               be               used               for               project               invoicing,               transaction               logging               and               to               track               open               sales               orders.

This               type               of               software               keeps               track               of               your               invoicing               needs               for               you.

You               just               put               in               a               bit               of               information               and               reports               and               analytics               are               created               for               easy               tracking               and               organization.
               Include               Contact               Information
               You               want               your               customers               to               be               able               to               easily               contact               you               should               they               have               a               question               about               their               invoice.

The               easier               you               make               this               for               them,               the               quicker               you               can               be               paid               and               close               out               the               invoice.

You               should               include               your               business               name,               your               phone               number,               email               address,               the               name               of               the               person               to               contact               for               account               information,               your               physical               address               and               your               fax               number.

You               also               want               to               use               invoice               numbers               so               that               you               can               easily               pull               up               the               invoice               in               question               and               offer               the               necessary               clarification.
               Make               Acceptable               Payment               Methods               Known
               Your               customers               need               to               know               about               the               different               payment               methods               that               you               have               available.

If               you               accept               checks               or               money               orders,               make               it               clear               who               these               should               be               made               out               to.

If               you               accept               credit               cards,               be               clear               about               the               ones               you               accept.
               Record               Received               Payments
               As               soon               as               you               receive               a               payment,               you               want               to               record               this               in               whichever               accounting               software               you               are               using.

When               you               record               payments               immediately,               you               will               never               forget               to               log               one               so               that               you               can               accurately               keep               track               of               sales               and               past               due               invoices.

When               you               are               recording               your               payments,               keep               detailed               notes.

For               example,               put               the               invoice               number,               customer               name,               customer               contact               information               and               information               about               which               services               or               products               were               involved               in               the               sale.
               Follow               Up
               If               you               have               past               due               invoices,               take               the               time               to               follow               up               on               these.

There               will               be               times               when               customers               get               busy               and               simply               forget               to               pay               their               invoice.

A               gentle               and               polite               reminder               can               get               their               account               settled.

You               should               go               after               the               oldest               unpaid               invoices               first               and               work               your               way               to               the               most               recent.

When               you               are               trying               to               settle               past               due               accounts,               give               the               customer               a               firm               due               date.

For               example,               let               them               know               that               their               past               due               amount               is               due               within               30               days               of               the               date               of               the               letter               you               send.

When               you               are               tracking               down               past               due               invoices,               be               sure               to               use               postal               mail               so               that               there               is               a               paper               trail.

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