레이블이 What Is Microsoft Account인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 What Is Microsoft Account인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 22일 금요일

Magan Houze 's blog ::Outlook 2010: Additional Microsoft Exchange Accounts cannot be added

Magan Houze 's blog ::Outlook 2010: Additional Microsoft Exchange Accounts cannot be added

Evolution               is               a               great               email               program               for               Linux.

Not               only               does               it               offer               standard               POP               and               IMAP               connectivity,               as               do               nearly               all               modern               email               programs,               it               also               supports               Microsoft               Exchange               servers.

Microsoft               Exchange               is               a               system               where               a               central               server               connects               many               users               via               a               single               interface               (typically               a               web               or               email               client),               which               enables               the               users               to               share               contacts,               notes,               to-do               lists,               scheduling               and               calendar               information,               as               well               as               act               as               an               email               client.
               In               my               experience,               the               Exchange               connectivity               worked               beautifully.

It               was               a               snap               to               set               up,               and               once               the               client               was               on               my               company's               server,               it               all               worked               as               it               should.

I               was               able               to               access               the               company's               email               address               lists,               keep               my               calendar               updated               so               that               others               in               the               company               could               view               it,               and               receive               email.

Exchange,               as               I               mentioned,               also               has               a               web               interface               (totally               unrelated               to               the               Evolution               email               client),               and               when               switching               between               it               and               Evolution,               changes               made               in               one               immediately               showed               up               in               the               other.

Evolution               is               a               powerful               business               tool               because               of               this               feature.
               But               back               to               Evolution               as               a               standard,               at-home,               email               client.

As               mentioned               earlier,               it               supports               POP               and               IMAP,               which               are               the               two               most               common               email               interfaces.

With               a               POP               server,               your               email               client               automatically               downloads               the               email               message               from               the               server,               leaving               you               with               the               only               copy               of               the               email               message.

This               is               good               for               you               as               a               user               because               it               is               secure,               while               it's               good               for               the               server               because               it               saves               space.

With               IMAP,               you               store               your               messages               on               the               server,               which               then               updates               your               client               each               time               you               log               in.

This               is               great               because               wherever               you               are,               your               email               will               be               identical.

If               you               check               your               email               at               home               or               at               work,               messages               you               send               from               one               will               be               available               to               you               at               the               other.

For               the               server,               however,               there               are               higher               "costs"               than               with               POP,               since               the               server               needs               to               store               more               information,               as               well               as               be               more               active.

Because               of               this,               most               Internet               providers               choose               POP               as               their               email               protocol.
               In               addition               to               the               above,               a               quick               check               of               Evolution's               setup               wizard               reveals               that               Evolution               also               supports               Hula               servers,               Novell               GroupWise               servers,               Usenet               Newsgroups               accounts,               as               well               as               local               mail               delivery               (if               you               have               your               own               mail               server).
               For               computer               users               familiar               with               the               standard               three-pane               interface               of               Microsoft               Outlook               Express,               Evolution               will               feel               right               at               home.

Writing               an               email               is               a               snap               too,               with               the               option               for               address               completion,               so               you               only               need               to               start               typing               the               first               part               of               the               recipient's               email               address,               and               the               program               will               complete               it.
               You               also               have               the               choice               of               plain               text               or               html               emails,               as               well.

Most               clients               can               read               html               emails,               but               it               is               often               considered               "dangerous"               to               enable               the               ability,               as               spammers               and               hackers               can               use               java               script               code               embedded               in               the               html               to               spread               viruses.

In               addition,               turning               off               the               graphics               option               in               your               email               client               can               save               bandwidth               for               those               emails               with               tons               of               pictures,               as               well               as               save               children               from               seeing               unwanted               content.

Evolution               allows               all               of               this               with               a               few               easy               options               in               the               program's               preferences               area.
               Evolution               has               support               for               junk               mail               filters               as               well.

In               today's               computing               environment,               this               is               almost               a               necessity,               as               many               server-side               filters               miss               some               of               the               newer               spam               types.

Enabling               the               filter               is,               again,               as               easy               as               clicking               a               checkbox.

Of               course,               as               with               any               spam               filter,               there               are               bound               to               be               times               when               it               misses               an               obvious               spam               email,               just               as               there               will               be               times               it               flags               a               legitimate               email               as               spam,               so               be               sure               to               check               the               actual               email               before               allowing               the               program               to               send               it               away.
               Even               when               not               used               as               a               Microsoft               Exchange               client,               Evolution               can               still               deal               with               calendars,               for               users               wishing               for               an               electronic               way               of               organizing               their               busy               schedule.

The               calendar               module               should               be               familiar               to               folks               used               to               using               the               calendar               feature               on               Microsoft               Outlook               or               Entourage,               as               well               as               iCal               users.

Evolution               even               imports               iCal               files,               so               if               you've               been               a               Mac               user               (or               of               another               program               that               uses               that               format),               Evolution               will               import               the               file               and               you're               in               business.
               As               well,               Evolution               allows               a               user               to               keep               notes               and               to-do               lists               as               well.
               Evolution               will,               by               default,               put               all               new               messages               (from               all               your               active               email               accounts),               into               one               single               inbox.

This               can               be               good,               as               most               people               like               to               have               all               their               emails               available               in               one               place,               but               it               may               not               be               for               everyone.

Which               is               why               Evolution               allows               for               "rules"               to               be               set               up.

Rule               creation               is               a               type               of               filter               that               Evolution               always               follows.

For               instance,               if               a               user               wants               to               keep               emails               from               family               separate               from               work               emails,               then               one               possible               rule               would               be               to               input               the               email               addresses               of               all               family,               and               have               them               immediately               put               into               a               folder               titled               "Family."               Or,               to               separate               the               work               emails,               a               possible               rule               would               be               to               route               all               emails               with               your               work's               domain               name               to               a               particular               folder.

It's               also               possible               to               filter               by               subject               line,               importance,               keywords,               and               more.
               All               in               all,               Evolution               is               a               very               good               email               client.

For               many               users               (this               one               included),               it               honestly               has               more               functionality               than               I               need.

I               never               use               the               calendar,               notes               or               to-do               modules,               but               they               are               there               if               I               want               them.

The               email               client               itself               is               excellent,               on               par               with               the               top               email               clients               I've               used.

In               a               perfect               world,               those               options               I               don't               use               could               simply               be               removed               (by               a               plugin               system,               perhaps?),               which               would               enable               me               to               slim               down               the               memory               requirements,               as               well               as               to               simplify               the               interface.

Still,               Evolution               is               a               great               client,               and               I               recommend               it               highly.

Image of microsoft exchange accounts

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microsoft exchange accounts

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microsoft exchange accounts

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microsoft exchange accounts

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microsoft exchange accounts

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microsoft exchange accounts

microsoft exchange accounts Image 5

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    Magan Houze 's blog ::Free Busy Query/Responses Process from Microsoft Exchange to Lotus Notes Client

    Magan Houze 's blog ::Free Busy Query/Responses Process from Microsoft Exchange to Lotus Notes Client

    Evolution               is               a               great               email               program               for               Linux.

    Not               only               does               it               offer               standard               POP               and               IMAP               connectivity,               as               do               nearly               all               modern               email               programs,               it               also               supports               Microsoft               Exchange               servers.

    Microsoft               Exchange               is               a               system               where               a               central               server               connects               many               users               via               a               single               interface               (typically               a               web               or               email               client),               which               enables               the               users               to               share               contacts,               notes,               to-do               lists,               scheduling               and               calendar               information,               as               well               as               act               as               an               email               client.
                   In               my               experience,               the               Exchange               connectivity               worked               beautifully.

    It               was               a               snap               to               set               up,               and               once               the               client               was               on               my               company's               server,               it               all               worked               as               it               should.

    I               was               able               to               access               the               company's               email               address               lists,               keep               my               calendar               updated               so               that               others               in               the               company               could               view               it,               and               receive               email.

    Exchange,               as               I               mentioned,               also               has               a               web               interface               (totally               unrelated               to               the               Evolution               email               client),               and               when               switching               between               it               and               Evolution,               changes               made               in               one               immediately               showed               up               in               the               other.

    Evolution               is               a               powerful               business               tool               because               of               this               feature.
                   But               back               to               Evolution               as               a               standard,               at-home,               email               client.

    As               mentioned               earlier,               it               supports               POP               and               IMAP,               which               are               the               two               most               common               email               interfaces.

    With               a               POP               server,               your               email               client               automatically               downloads               the               email               message               from               the               server,               leaving               you               with               the               only               copy               of               the               email               message.

    This               is               good               for               you               as               a               user               because               it               is               secure,               while               it's               good               for               the               server               because               it               saves               space.

    With               IMAP,               you               store               your               messages               on               the               server,               which               then               updates               your               client               each               time               you               log               in.

    This               is               great               because               wherever               you               are,               your               email               will               be               identical.

    If               you               check               your               email               at               home               or               at               work,               messages               you               send               from               one               will               be               available               to               you               at               the               other.

    For               the               server,               however,               there               are               higher               "costs"               than               with               POP,               since               the               server               needs               to               store               more               information,               as               well               as               be               more               active.

    Because               of               this,               most               Internet               providers               choose               POP               as               their               email               protocol.
                   In               addition               to               the               above,               a               quick               check               of               Evolution's               setup               wizard               reveals               that               Evolution               also               supports               Hula               servers,               Novell               GroupWise               servers,               Usenet               Newsgroups               accounts,               as               well               as               local               mail               delivery               (if               you               have               your               own               mail               server).
                   For               computer               users               familiar               with               the               standard               three-pane               interface               of               Microsoft               Outlook               Express,               Evolution               will               feel               right               at               home.

    Writing               an               email               is               a               snap               too,               with               the               option               for               address               completion,               so               you               only               need               to               start               typing               the               first               part               of               the               recipient's               email               address,               and               the               program               will               complete               it.
                   You               also               have               the               choice               of               plain               text               or               html               emails,               as               well.

    Most               clients               can               read               html               emails,               but               it               is               often               considered               "dangerous"               to               enable               the               ability,               as               spammers               and               hackers               can               use               java               script               code               embedded               in               the               html               to               spread               viruses.

    In               addition,               turning               off               the               graphics               option               in               your               email               client               can               save               bandwidth               for               those               emails               with               tons               of               pictures,               as               well               as               save               children               from               seeing               unwanted               content.

    Evolution               allows               all               of               this               with               a               few               easy               options               in               the               program's               preferences               area.
                   Evolution               has               support               for               junk               mail               filters               as               well.

    In               today's               computing               environment,               this               is               almost               a               necessity,               as               many               server-side               filters               miss               some               of               the               newer               spam               types.

    Enabling               the               filter               is,               again,               as               easy               as               clicking               a               checkbox.

    Of               course,               as               with               any               spam               filter,               there               are               bound               to               be               times               when               it               misses               an               obvious               spam               email,               just               as               there               will               be               times               it               flags               a               legitimate               email               as               spam,               so               be               sure               to               check               the               actual               email               before               allowing               the               program               to               send               it               away.
                   Even               when               not               used               as               a               Microsoft               Exchange               client,               Evolution               can               still               deal               with               calendars,               for               users               wishing               for               an               electronic               way               of               organizing               their               busy               schedule.

    The               calendar               module               should               be               familiar               to               folks               used               to               using               the               calendar               feature               on               Microsoft               Outlook               or               Entourage,               as               well               as               iCal               users.

    Evolution               even               imports               iCal               files,               so               if               you've               been               a               Mac               user               (or               of               another               program               that               uses               that               format),               Evolution               will               import               the               file               and               you're               in               business.
                   As               well,               Evolution               allows               a               user               to               keep               notes               and               to-do               lists               as               well.
                   Evolution               will,               by               default,               put               all               new               messages               (from               all               your               active               email               accounts),               into               one               single               inbox.

    This               can               be               good,               as               most               people               like               to               have               all               their               emails               available               in               one               place,               but               it               may               not               be               for               everyone.

    Which               is               why               Evolution               allows               for               "rules"               to               be               set               up.

    Rule               creation               is               a               type               of               filter               that               Evolution               always               follows.

    For               instance,               if               a               user               wants               to               keep               emails               from               family               separate               from               work               emails,               then               one               possible               rule               would               be               to               input               the               email               addresses               of               all               family,               and               have               them               immediately               put               into               a               folder               titled               "Family."               Or,               to               separate               the               work               emails,               a               possible               rule               would               be               to               route               all               emails               with               your               work's               domain               name               to               a               particular               folder.

    It's               also               possible               to               filter               by               subject               line,               importance,               keywords,               and               more.
                   All               in               all,               Evolution               is               a               very               good               email               client.

    For               many               users               (this               one               included),               it               honestly               has               more               functionality               than               I               need.

    I               never               use               the               calendar,               notes               or               to-do               modules,               but               they               are               there               if               I               want               them.

    The               email               client               itself               is               excellent,               on               par               with               the               top               email               clients               I've               used.

    In               a               perfect               world,               those               options               I               don't               use               could               simply               be               removed               (by               a               plugin               system,               perhaps?),               which               would               enable               me               to               slim               down               the               memory               requirements,               as               well               as               to               simplify               the               interface.

    Still,               Evolution               is               a               great               client,               and               I               recommend               it               highly.

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